You're looking at DataGridXL v1. Click here to go to the latest version.


Important: To use DataGridXL, a commercial license is required.

Purchase a license to remove the branding link and receive Premium Vanilla Support.

Option 1:

The quickest way to get started is to include the Javascript file that we host on our server.

<script src=""></script>

Please note that this is not a CDN service. We do not guarantee 100% uptime.

Option 2: Download

Another option is to download the Javascript file(s) and self-host the DataGridXL-library. Right-click the download button of your preferred version and hit "Save link as...".

Basic Usage

The ES5 version will work in any browser:

Javascript (ES5)
<div id="grid"></div>
<script src=""></script>
	var grid = new DataGridXL("grid");

The ESM (ES6) version will work in modern browsers that support module loading:

Javascript (ESM)
<div id="grid"></div>
<script type="module">
	import DataGridXL from './datagridxl.esm.js';
	var grid = new DataGridXL("grid");

If your Javascript-setup is more complex, you might need our UMD version, compatible with CommonJS and AMD module loading.

What about frameworks?

DataGridXL currently does not have the resources to publish and maintain versions of DataGridXL for popular Javascript frameworks of today and tomorrow.

We would certainly like to improve on this in the future. For now please know that we offer Vanilla Support only.

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